School of Education

School of Education
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Current Accreditation

SUNY New Paltz is accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Education Preparation (AAQEP). Seven years of accreditation was awarded in June of 2022. The institution will undergo its next accreditation visit in the fall semester of 2028, with continuing accreditation anticipated to begin in the spring of 2029.

As part of our membership in AAQEP, the institution is required to submit an annual report with performance indicators for the most recent cohort of completers and the results of any initiatives that we have been engaged in over the previous academic year. The most recent annual report can be accessed using the link below.

AAQEP Annual Report 2024

Performance on Certification Exams

We are proud of our candidates’ certification exam scores. The following data table is the official Title II reporting data for the 2023 Title II Report, which has been verified and validated by the institution and New York State Department of Education. The 2024 Title II Report will be released in the Spring of 2025, and this table will be updated.

This table shows summary pass rates for the institution for the last three Title II reporting years (i.e., AY2020, AY2021, and AY2022). N is the number of unique students who took any exam, with N Pass representing the number of students who passed an exam, and the overall pass rate for the academic year.   

The table below shows pass rate information and average scores for individual certification exams. Data reporting practices prohibit the publication of information on exams with fewer than 10 test takers in a given year due to confidentiality concerns; for this reason, any exam with fewer than 10 test takers is reported as Low N.