Printable List of Fraternities and Sororities (updated January 2022)
Sororities (Alphabetical Listing):
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Phi Agonian Sorority
Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc.
Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority
Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority, Latinas Poderosas Unidas, Inc.
Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.
Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority
Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Fraternities (Alphabetical Listing):
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity
Alpha Phi Omega Co-Ed Service Fraternity
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Kappa Delta Phi Fraternity
Lambda Alpha Upsilon Fraternity, Inc.
Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc.
La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
MALIK Fraternity, Inc.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (recognized interest group)
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Pi Alpha Nu Fraternity
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Descriptions of Recognized Sororities:

Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority
Phi Phi Chapter
Motto: Multa Corda, Una Causa – Many Hearts, One Purpose
Philanthropy: Sharsheret & the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation
Colors: Green and White
Symbol/Mascot: Giraffe
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Jewel: Pearl
Founded: Barnard College, Oct. 24, 1909
Chapter Website on Engage
National website

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Xi Mu Chapter
Motto: “By Culture and By Merit"
Colors: Salmon Pink and Apple Green
Symbol/Mascot: Ivy Leaf
Founded: Howard University, Jan. 15, 1908
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Alpha Kappa Phi Agonian Sorority
Kappa Chapter
Motto: We Strive to Lead; One Step at a Time But Always Forward
Philanthropy: Lupus Foundation of America, and the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc.
Colors: Gold, White, Robin’s Egg Blue, Navy Blue
Symbol: Anchor
Mascot: Willie the Whale
Flower: Yellow Rose
Jewel: Pearl
Founded: SUNY Geneseo, October 8, 1892
Chapter website on Engage

Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Pi Chapter
Motto: Wisdom Through Education
Philanthropy: I Have a Dream Foundation
Colors: Red, Black, and Beige
Symbol/Mascot: The Almighty Owl
Flower: Hibiscus
Jewel: Emerald
Founded: Rutgers University, New Brunswick Campus, April 29, 1980
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Omicron Kappa Chapter
Motto: Intelligence is the torch of wisdom.
Emphasis: Public Service
Colors: Crimson and Cream
Flower: African Violet
Founded: Howard University, January 13, 1913
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc.
Gamma Chapter
Motto: Semper Unum et Inseparabilis – "Always One and Inseperable"
Philanthropy: International-Children's International, National-One Heartland, Local-Sisters In Action
Colors: Red, Gold, & Royal Blue, with Black and White as background colors
Symbol/Mascot: Unicorn & Pegasus
Flower: Red Rose
Jewel: White Pearl
Founded: SUNY Albany, SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY New Paltz, & Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Sept. 29, 1990
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority
Kappa Alpha Gamma Chapter
Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish Foundation
Colors: Black and Gold
Flower: Yellow Rose
Founded: Husson College, 1971
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority, Latinas Poderosas Unidas, Inc.
Omicron Chapter
Motto: Con Amor, Dignidad y Orgullo – "With Love, Dignity, and Pride"
Philanthropy: Asthma Awareness & Children; Juvenile Diabetes
Colors: Red, White, Gold, Black
Symbol/Mascot: Spotted Jaguar
Flower: White Rose with Red Tips (Fire & Ice Rose)
Founded: SUNY Geneseo, Nov. 6, 1992
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.
Orisha Chapter
Motto: Mujeres Siempre Unidas – "Women Always United"
Philanthropy: To Write Love on Her Arms
Colors: Baby Blue and White
Symbol/Mascot: Amazon Woman
Founded: Rutgers University, November 21, 1981
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Beta Chapter
Motto: "Serving and Educating Through Our Diversity"
Philanthropy: "Raising Awareness of Violence Against Women"
Colors: Black, Forest Green, and Gold
Symbol/Mascot: Hummingbird
Flower: Sunflower
Founded: SUNY Albany, March 15, 1989
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Sigma Delta Tau Sorority, Inc.
Gamma Nu Chapter
Motto: Patriae Multae Spes Una – “One Hope of Many People”
Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America; Jewish Women International; Women for Women International
Colors: Café Au Lait and Old Blue
Symbol/Mascot: Teddy Bear
Flower: Golden Tea Rose
Jewel: Lapis Lazuli
Founded: Cornell University, March 25, 1917
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Mu Chapter
Motto: Hasta La Muerte
Philanthropy: Literacy: Empowerment one word at a time
Colors: Red, Black, Silver, and Gold
Symbol/Mascot: Black Persian Cat with Gold Eyes
Flower: Red Pansy with Black and Gold
Jewel: Black Pearl
Founded: Binghamton University, Dec. 1, 1987
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Nu Chapter
Motto: A community-conscious, action-oriented organization
Founding Principles: Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood
Philanthropy: Z-H.O.P.E. (Zetas Helping Other People Excel); National Education Foundation; Stork's Nest; Elder Care
Colors: Royal Blue & White
Symbol/Mascot: White Dove
Founded: Howard University, Jan. 16, 1920
National website
Descriptions of Recognized Fraternities

Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Nu Rho Chapter
Philanthropy: Sharsheret, Save A Child's Heart, Keshet, Elem, Leket Israel, Friends of the IDF, and Jewish National Fund
Colors: Blue and Gold
Symbol/Mascot: Lion
Founded: New York University, Nov. 7, 1913
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Sigma Eta Chapter
Motto: First of All, Servants to All, We Shall Transcend All
Philanthropy: Project Alpha; Go to High School, Go to College; Voteless People is Hopeless People
Colors: Black & Old Gold
Flower: Yellow Rose
Founded: Cornell University, Dec. 4, 1906
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Alpha Phi Delta
Recognized Interest Group - Awaiting National Charter
Motto: Faciamus! (we do)
Colors: Royal Purple and White
Symbol: Fasces (bound rods with an axe in the middle)
Flower: Garafano (white carnation)
Founded: Syracuse University, November 5, 1914
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Kappa Mu Chapter
Motto: Achievement Through Service and Fidelity
Philanthropy: Guide Right Program
Colors: Red and White
Flower: Red Carnation
Founded: Indiana University, Jan. 5, 1911
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Kappa Delta Phi Fraternity
Alpha Gamma Chapter
Colors: Black and Gold
Symbol/Mascot: Crow
Flower: Yellow Rose
Founded: Bridgewater State College, April 14, 1900
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc.
Guarionex Chapter
Motto: Latinos Siempre Unidos / Latinos Always United
Philanthropy: HIV/AIDS Research and Awareness
Colors: Baby Blue & White
Symbol/Mascot: A Taino Native
Founded: Rutgers University, Livingston Campus, April 5, 1979
Chapter website on Engage
National website

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
Pi Chapter
Motto: La Unidad Para Siempre
Philanthropy: Providing access to higher education
Colors: Brown, Gold, White, Red
Founded: Cornell University, Feb. 16, 1982
Chapter website on Engage
National website
Ra Kingdom
Motto: The Mind is the Standard of the Man
Philanthropy: The MALIK Foundation
Colors: Orange & Black
Symbol/Mascot: Last Angry Afrikan
Founded: Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus, May 13, 1977
Kingdom website on Engage
National website

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Gamma Chapter
Motto: Semper Parati Semper Juncti
Philanthropy: UNICEF; Family of New Paltz
Colors: Red, White, Navy Blue & Gold
Symbol/Mascot: African Lion
Flower: Red Carnation
Founded: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dec. 26, 1931
Chapter website on Engage
National website

Pi Alpha Nu Fraternity
Gamma Chapter
Motto: Brotherhood
Colors: Black, Red, Gold
Symbol/Mascot: Knight
Founded: SUNY Plattsburgh, 1957
Chapter website on Engage

Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Sigma Nu Chapter
Philanthropy: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Colors: Cherry and Grey
Symbol/Mascot: Apollo
Flower: Red Carnation
Jewel: White Pearl
Founded: Illinois Wesleyan University, Jan. 10, 1899
Chapter website on Engage
National website