Undergraduate Catalog

Geography & Environmental Studies: Majors

Major in Geography (42-45 credits),
leading to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree

Required core courses................................17 credits
GEO201 Human Geography (3)
GEO202 Physical Geography (3)
GEO213 Economic Geography (3)
GEO341 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4)
GEO342 Cartography (4)

Required statistics course.........................3-4 credits
Select one of the following:
GEO344 Spatial Statistics (3)
MAT145 Statistics & Public Policy (3)
MAT241 Introduction to Statistics (3)
PSY275 Psychological Statistics (4)

Required science cognate..........................4 credits
Select one of the following:
BIO340 Ecology (4)
GLG201 Physical Geology (3) and GLG211 Physical Geology Lab (1)

Electives...............................................18-20 credits
Each major candidate is required to complete six (6) courses in geography, at least four (4) of which must be systematic courses (see list below).

Systematic courses:
GEO203 People-Environments Geography (3)
GEO214 Introduction to Urban & Regional Planning (3)
GEO231 Geography of Hazards (3)
GEO314 Issues in Urban Planning (3)
GEO321 Geography of Soils (3)
GEO322 Geography of Water Resources (3)
GEO331 Gender & Environment (3)
GEO332 Geography, Health & Environment (3)
GEO333 Advanced People-Environments Geography (3)
GEO343 Remote Sensing (4)
GEO411 Political Geography (3)
GEO412 Geography of Socialism (3)
GEO431 Natural Resources: Utilization & Management (3)
GEO441 Geographic Information Systems Applications (4)
GEO480 Internship in Geography (*) and GEO481 Internship Seminar (1)*

*The internship and corequisite seminar may only be taken with the chair's permission and after the major has been completed or nearly so. Students may take GEO480 Internship in Geography for 3, 6 or 9 credits.

Regional courses:
GEO211 World Geography (3)
GEO212 Cities of the World (3)
GEO351 Geography of the United States & Canada (3)
GEO354 Geography of Asia (3)
GEO355 "Emerging" China & Critical Geopolitics (3)

Geography - Environmental Concentration (48-49 credits), leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree

Required core courses................................17 credits
GEO201 Human Geography (3)
GEO202 Physical Geography (3)
GEO213 Economic Geography (3)
GEO341 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4)
GEO342 Cartography (4)

Required environmental courses..................10 credits
GEO203 People-Environments Geography (3)
GEO321 Geography of Soils (4)
GEO431 Natural Resources: Utilization & Management (3)

Required statistics course............................3 credits
Select one of the following:
GEO344 Spatial Statistics (3)
MAT145 Statistics & Public Policy (3)
MAT241 Introduction to Statistics (3)

Required science cognate courses...............8 credits
Select any two (2) of the following lab classes:
GLG201 Physical Geology (3) and GLG211 Physical Geology Lab (1)
GLG303 Geomorphology (4) - prereqs: GLG201 and GLG211
BIO201 General Biology I (3) and BIO211 General Biology I Lab (1)
BIO202 General Biology II (3) and BIO212 General Biology II Lab (1)

Electives................................................10-11 credits
Select three of the following systematic geography courses:
GEO331 Gender & Environment (3)
GEO332 Geography, Health & Environment (3)
GEO343 Remote Sensing (4)
GEO480 Internship in Geography (*) and GEO481 Internship Seminar (1)*

*The internship and corequisite seminar may only be taken with the chair's permission and after the major has been completed or nearly so. Students may take GEO480 Internship in Geography for 3, 6 or 9 credits; however, only four (4) credits may count toward the elective requirements.

Geography - Urban Planning Concentration (49-54 credits), leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree

Required core courses...............................30 credits
GEO201 Human Geography (3)
GEO202 Physical Geography (3)
GEO213 Economic Geography (3)
GEO214 Introduction to Urban & Regional Planning (3)
GEO314 Issues in Urban Planning (3)
GEO341 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4)
GEO342 Digital Map Design (4)
GEO344 Spatial Statistics (3)
GEO441 Geographic Information Systems Applications (4)

Required cognate courses......................9-11 credits
Select one of the following:
CPS104 Visual Programming (3)
CPS110 Web Design (3)
CPS210 Computer Science I: Foundations (4)

Select one of the following:
ECO206 Microeconomics (3)
ECO207 Macroeconomics (3)

Select one of the following:
POL216 American Government & Politics (4)
POL316 American Public Policies (3)
POL350 Introduction to Law (3)

Electives.................................................3 credits
Select one of the following:
GEO212 Cities of the World (3)
GEO231 Geography of Hazards (3)
GEO315 Quantitative Analysis in Urban Planning (3)
GEO332 Geography, Health & the Environment (3)
GEO351 Geography of the United States & Canada (3)
GEO431 Natural Resources: Utilization & Management (3)

Required internship.................................7-10 credits
GEO480 Internship in Geography (6-9)
GEO481 Internship Seminar (1)

Major in Environmental Studies (42-45 credits),
leading to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree

Required core courses................................24 credits
GEO203 People-Environments Geography (3)
GEO341 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4)
POL311 American Environmental Politics (3)
GEO482 Environmental Studies Senior Seminar (1)

Select one:
SOC317 Environmental Sociology (3)
SOC450 Sociology of Food & Agriculture (3)

Select one:
MAT241 Introduction to Statistics (3)
GEO344 Spatial Statistics (3)

Select one:
GEO342 Digital Map Design (4)
GEO343 Remote Sensing (4)
GEO441 GIS Applications (4)

Select one:
GEO331 Gender and Environment (3)
GEO332 Geography, Health and Environment (3)
GEO333 Advanced People-Environments Geography (3)
GEO432 Climate Change and Society (3)

Physical science courses.........................9-12 credits
Select three:
BIO120 Global Change Biology (3) or BIO201 General Biology I (3) and BIO211 General Biology I Lab (1)
CHE100 Environmental Chemistry (3) or CHE201 General Chemistry I (3) and CHE211 General Chem I Lab (1)
EGG250 Energy and the Environment (3)
GEO202 Physical Geography (3)
GEO321 Geography of Soils (3)
GEO322 Geography of Water Resources (3)
GLG201 Physical Geology (3) and GLG211 Physical Geology Lab (1)

Interdisciplinary electives..........................9 credits
Select three, with no more than two from the same department:
ANT310 Bioarchaeology of Food (3)
ARH354 Nature and Science in 19th-Century American Art (3)
CMM326 Environmental Communication (3)
ECO405 International Energy Economics (3)
GEO314 Issues in Urban Planning (3)
GEO331 Gender and Environment (3)
GEO332 Geography, Health and Environment (3)
GEO432 Climate Change and Society (3)
PHI303 Environmental Ethics (3)
POL316 American Public Policies (3)
SOC317 Environmental Sociology or SOC450 Sociology of Food & Agriculture (3)
HIS376 Environmental History of Latin America (3)