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Press Releases Archive
Groups pressing for state voting reforms
, 12/24/17,
CNHI News Service
Expert gives pros, cons of county manager
, 12/14/17,
The Daily Star
Two potential candidates for governor have a civil discussion
, 12/12/17,
WRVO Public Media
Miner, DeFrancisco weigh in on marijuana, infrastructure and state government
, 12/12/17,
Spectrum News
NYC Spending Balloons Under Bill de Blasio's Administration
, 12/04/17,
Meet the Moderates. These politicians and candidates are breaking with today's aggressively partisan times to advocate a more centrist line.
, 12/04/17,
As Cuomo Hires More Women, Ex-Senior Official Is Accused of Assault
, 11/19/17,
The New York Times
Hein Convenes New Charter Revision Commission
, 11/18/17,
Hudson Valley News Network
Ulster County Executive Michael Hein convenes new charter revision panel
, 11/17/17,
Daily Freeman
Defeated on Con Con, Gerald Benjamin Plots His Next Move
, 11/14/17,
Gotham Gazette
Could this year's election fallout shape 2018 races?
, 11/10/17,
Poughkeepsie Journal
Unions flexed muscle in defeat of Con Con
, 11/08/17,
Niagara Gazette
New York Voters Reject Chance to Rewrite State Constitution
, 11/07/17,
There's Always 2037
, 11/07/17,
Debate Over Constitutional Convention Held In Plattsburgh
, 11/03/17,
New Paltz officials dig into marijuana arrest figures
, 11/03/17,
Hudson Valley One
Pros, cons of voting for a constitutional convention
, 11/02/17,
Spotlight News
Choosing to hold a constitutional convention is an option on Tuesday's ballot
, 11/02/17,
Report: Wealth would impact Constitutional Convention
, 11/02/17,
"Con Con" Debate at Clinton Community College
, 11/01/17,
Mountain Lake PBS
New York's Constitutional Convention Debate
, 11/01/17,
New York’s Constitutional Convention offers chance for sweeping reform
, 10/31/17,
Hudson Valley One
To convene or not? Advocates, opponents tackle constitution question.
, 10/20/17,
Times Herald Record
What's The [DATA] Point? 1936
, 10/20/17,
Gotham Gazette
Why New Yorkers Shouldn't be Afraid of a Con-Con
, 10/18/17,
The Bridge
Voters to Decide if NY Holds Constitutional Convention
, 10/18/17,
Long Island Press
Constitutional convention debated | The River Reporter
, 10/18/17,
The River Reporter
Hudson Valley Green Building Expo to take place Oct. 19 at SUNY New Paltz
, 10/17/17,
Daily Freeman
The Week Ahead in New York Politics, October 16
, 10/15/17,
Gotham Gazette
Myths and realities of a constitutional convention
, 10/14/17,
The Capitol Connection #1741 - Dr. Gerald Benjamin
, 10/12/17,
Shmaltz Brewing Breast Cancer Awareness Events
, 10/10/17,
Craft Beer
Changing NY's constitution common, even if convention isn't. State legislature has sought to amend the state's founding document hundreds of times.
, 10/10/17,
Times Union
To hunt, or not to hunt? Panel debates ethics of deer population control
, 10/09/17,
Hudson Valley One
Spending, fear of ‘dark money’ rise in constitution debate
, 10/09/17,
Debating a Constitutional Convention
, 10/09/17,
Daily Dose
Election briefs. State ballot question Oct. 24 panel topic.
, 10/07/17,
Times Union
Capitol Watch: Cuomo floats special session for federal cuts | The Telegraph
, 10/07/17,
The Telegraph
Voters should give Constitutional Convention a chance: Editorial
, 10/06/17,
Poughkeepsie Journal
Collision course. Benjamin Center Ponders Ethics of Deer Overpopulation Management.
, 10/05/17,
New Paltz Times
Albany County Panel Adopts Shared Services Plan
, 10/05/17,
Convention proposition focus of Oct. 16 debate at SUNY New Paltz
, 10/04/17,
Daily Freeman
Outnumbered in New York, top Republicans wary of a constitutional convention
, 10/04/17,
Times Union
NY Constitutional Convention panel debate held
, 10/04/17,
For some in the grassroots, constitutional convention presents conundrum
, 10/03/17,
Times Union
Albany comptroller: Government can save money by sharing employees
, 10/02/17,
Times Union
Gerald Benjamin and Fred Kowal will debate state constitutional convention, Oct. 16 at New Paltz
, 10/02/17,
SUNY New Paltz News
Cuomo's storm response
, 10/02/17,
The Week Ahead in New York Politics, October 2
, 10/01/17,
Gotham Gazette
Corruption an argument for, against state Constitutional Convention
, 09/30/17,
Daily Freeman
The Marijuana 'Gateway' Theory Is A Fallacy
, 09/29/17,
The Daily Chronic
Constitutional Convention can put the people in charge: Editorial
, 09/29/17,
Local forums on constitutional convention
, 09/27/17,
The River Reporter
SUNY New Paltz Panel To Focus On Deer Management, The Ethics Of Hunting
, 09/28/17,
Too Young to Vote, but Asking for Yours
, 09/28/17,
The New York Times
New Yorkers To Vote In November On Constitutional Convention
, 09/28/17,
Siena holds debate ahead of Constitutional Convention vote
, 09/26/17,
Capitol Tonight
Cap Con team to host panel discussion on Constitutional Convention
, 09/26/17,
Times Union
What to watch for on evaluations
, 09/25/17,
Risk vs. reward: Con Con debate heating up: Editorial Spotlight
, 09/22/17,
Watch: Experts discuss Constitutional Convention ballot question
, 09/20/17,
Regents likely to extend moratorium on using test scores for evaluations
, 09/19/17,
Long before election, political fires spark heated NY congressional races. In 19th and 21st congressional districts, candidacies bloom as electoral excitement grows.
, 09/17/17,
Times Union
Forums slated for NY vote on possible convention
, 09/18/17,
Times Herald Record
NY Constitutional Convention: Salute to democracy or a big con job?
, 09/14/17,
Changes needed? New Paltz forum lays out the Constitutional Convention debate
, 09/14/17,
New Paltz Times
TU to host panel discussion on state Constitutional Convention
, 09/12/17,
Times Union
Sputtering subways threaten Cuomo's infrastructure image
, 09/12/17,
New Report Details and Debunks the Persisting Myth That Cannabis is a “Gateway Drug” - News
, 09/11/17,
Merry Jane
My view: Jews in American politics
, 09/10/17,
Times Herald Record
Kingston school trustees seek education forum with Faso
, 09/10/17,
Daily Freeman
Benjamin Center for Public Policy Initiatives takes on “The Marijuana Gateway Fallacy”
, 09/08/17,
Environmental Law Professors
Hugh Reynolds: Faso meets his makers
, 09/08/17,
Hudson Valley One
Schumer runs victory lap after cutting deal with Trump
, 09/07/17,
Times Union
Marijuana as ‘gateway’ drug is political myth, Benjamin Center report says
, 09/06/17,
Daily Freeman
Faso Meets With Supporters, Opponents At Esopus Forum
, 09/01/17,
Hudson Valley News Network Home Latest News County News News Category Events Advertise Contact Us | Online TV Faso Town Hall in Port Ewen At Times Feisty, Intense
, 09/01/17,
Hudson Valley News Network
Faso faces constituents in Port Ewen
, 09/01/17,
Hudson Valley One
Faso, at town hall event in Port Ewen, defends his support of defense and health care bills
, 08/31/17,
Daily Freeman
Discussion at SUNY New Paltz Sept. 28 focuses on deer management, ethics of hunting
, 08/30/17,
Daily Freeman
Faso To Hold Town Hall In Esopus
, 08/29/17,
Mid Hudson Valley Patch
New York constitutional convention vote raises hopes, fears
, 08/26/17,
Unity push intensifies for Democrats groping to run New York Senate
, 08/24/17,
Sharon Herald
Hugh Reynolds: Facing the music
, 08/21/17,
Hudson Valley One
VOW poll reveals shocking numbers surrounding abuse
, 08/18/17,
Times Union
Ulster County BOCES report suggests specialized ‘magnet’ programs in area high schools
, 08/14/17,
Daily Freeman
The Fray: Faso will hold town hall in Ulster County this month
, 08/12/17,
Times Herald Record
Faso announces details for large Hudson Valley town hall
, 08/11/17,
Hudson Valley One
U.S. Rep. John Faso agrees to community forum at Esopus Town Hall
, 08/10/17,
Daily Freeman
New Yorkers divided over need for state constitutional convention
, 08/07/17,
News 10
Third-term curse haunts Cuomo
, 08/06/17,
Amid Talk of a 2020 Run, Cuomo Must First Deal With 2018
, 08/06/17,
The New York Times
There Will Be Three Big Questions on Your Ballot in November
, 08/04/17,
Gotham Gazette
'Summer of hell' brings political heat for Cuomo
, 08/03/17,
Times Union
Voters being asked to change N.Y. constitution -- why it matters to you
, 08/05/17,
Staten Island Real-Time News
Sharing is caring | Albany County exec releases state-mandated plan to lower property taxes
, 08/03/17,
Spotlight News
County Executive McCoy Submits Shared Services Property Tax Savings Plan to Legislature
, 08/01/17,
Public Now
Schumer's 'Better Deal' aims to recreate Dems' 'New Deal' magic
, 07/30/17,
Times Union
Schumer prescribes bipartisanship for health care debate
, 07/28/17,
Times Union
Excelsior effect: Application period for scholarship ends
, 07/21/17,
New York could well hit the jackpot with sports betting
, 07/20/17,
Times Union
Tenney highlights ‘notorious’ background of Brindisi's father
, 07/14/17,
Democrat & Chronicle
Hugh Reynolds: Consolidation without tears
, 07/09/17,
Hudson Valley One
Fred LeBrun: Constitutional convention is too risky
, 07/08/17,
Times Union
What’s a Constitutional Convention Cost? We Can’t Afford to Not Hold One
, 07/05/17,
Gotham Gazette
Constitutional convention focus of forum in Kingston on July 10
, 07/05/17,
Daily Freeman
A Constitutional Convention for New York? This May Be the Year
, 07/05/17,
The New York Times
Sullivan charter commission calls for county executive form of government
, 06/15/17,
Albany criticized for lack of ethics reform as session ends
, 07/02/17,
Andrew Cuomo Is One of the Most Progressive Governors. (So Why Don't Liberals Like Him?)
, 07/01/17,
State legislators and advocates re-introduce recreational marijuana bill
, 06/12/17,
The Alt
Kingston residents divided over Alms House zoning
, 06/09/17,
Before Cuomo's House push, a history of non-engagement.
, 06/07/17,
State Sen. Valesky mum on scandal. Valesky won’t talk about bonus pay flap.
, 06/03/17,
The Oneida Daily Dispatch
Confidence, courage key theme at Women@Work Summit
, 06/07/17,
Times Union
New York secessionists look to constitutional convention as best chance to split state
, 05/30/17,
Washington Times
Voters continue to show support for N.Y. constitutional convention
, 05/29/17,
Times Union
Tax cap creating uncertainty for schools feeling squeezed
, 05/06/17,
Times Herald Record
Celebrating Women’s Suffrage 100 Years Later
, 04/27/17,
The New Paltz Oracle
Five things to watch under the new SUNY chancellor
, 04/25/17,
NY state’s grade 3-8 tests fail to measure college readiness, Benjamin Center report says
, 05/02/17,
Daily Freeman
Andrew Cuomo is a control freak. But does it work?
, 04/23/17,
City & State
Gillibrand Helps Celebrate 100th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage Movement
, 04/21/17,
Spectrum News
#1447: A New York View On Women And The Chinese Andrew Sisters
, 04/20/17,
Cuomo Promotes Chief of Staff, Melissa DeRosa, to Be His Secretary
, 04/17/17,
The New York Times
Let's Shatter Some Glass - Now that the statewide View on Women poll has reveled the truth about what people really think of women in the workplace and as leaders, it's time to do something about it.
, 04/14/17,
Times Union
Life with the Benjamins
, 04/13/17,
Almanac Weekly
New York's free* tuition plan
, 04/11/17,
The Complex Roads of Poughkeepsie
, 04/10/17,
The Groundhog
Compromise may give Cuomo more power to cut state budget
, 04/10/17,
The Politics of Electoral Reform in NYC Then and Now
, 04/06/17,
The Independent View
Summit sheds light on Wallkill River’s environmental woes
, 04/06/17,
Hudson Valley One
Women@Work View on Women PSA
, 04/05/17,
Beacon Committee Suggests Charter Changes
, 04/03/17,
The Highlands Current
Lawmakers hope a full budget will come before May 31
, 04/03/17,
Wallkill River water quality discussed at summit
, 03/29/17,
State's GOP House delegation could face backlash over AHCA
, 03/29/17,
Mental health conference scheduled for April 7 at SUNY New Paltz
, 03/29/17,
Daily Freeman
Report: Pollutants In The Wallkill River Exceed Safe Levels
, 03/28/17,
Insults Fly Between Democrats in New York Senate, Underscoring Rift
, 03/26/17,
The New York Times
Wallkill River fails to meet EPA guidelines
, 03/24/17,
The Wallkill needs help Water quality report highlights need to clean up river
, 03/23/17,
Press Release Point
Niagara GOP Sen. Robert Ortt indicted; Dems see opportunity
, 03/23/17,
Cutting arts funding would be shortsighted
, 03/22/17,
Poughkeepsie Journal
In New York, voter fraud tends to be local
, 03/19/17,
Times Union
Hugh Reynolds: The watchdog, defanged
, 03/17/17,
Hudson Valley One
UlsterCorps Service Summit April 26 at SUNY New Paltz
, 03/15/17,
Daily Freeman
Conference in New Paltz and Hyde Park will focus on women’s suffrage
, 03/13/17,
Daily Freeman
Wallkill River Summit will take place March 28 at SUNY New Paltz
, 03/07/17,
Daily Freeman
Call for $1.2M study into toxic algae in Wallkill River
, 03/06/17,
Times Herald Record
New York states view on women - Polling data gives us a starting point for shifting attitudes towards women
, 03/01/17,
Women@Work, A Times Union Publication
With Anti-Semitic Acts in Headlines, Cuomo Plans to Visit Israel
, 03/01/17,
The New York Times
Study: Volunteerism in Ulster County surpasses state, national rates
, 02/09/17,
Daily Freeman
Back to the drawing board for state constitution?
, 02/09/17,
Times Union
How the cost of a convention became urban legend
, 02/09/17,
Overhaul of science room at Onteora High School has hefty price tag
, 02/09/17,
Daily Freeman
Conditions in Albany increasing odds of Dream Act passage
, 02/08/17,
Roundtable on the Trump Presidency - featuring Nancy Kassop, Dan Lipson, Gerald Benjamin and Stephen Pampinella
, 02/07/17,
SUNY New Paltz
Districts register opposition to DeVos
, 02/06/17,
New York State School Boards Association
Blooming Grove: 6 wards, 6 council members
, 01/26/17,
Times Herald Record
Breakaway Democrats in New York Senate Add Another to Their Ranks
, 01/25/17,
The New York Times
Blooming Grove residents get look at proposed wards map
, 01/11/17,
Times Herald Record
In Kingston, RUPCO aims to expand housing, business space
, 01/12/17,
Daily Freeman
The miracle in Minnesota: An athletic director stands up for sexual assult victims
, 01/04/17,
Times Union
What does New York Really Think of Women?
, 01/02/17,
Times Union
Minnesota football rape case reveals our own assult myths
, 01/02/17,
Times Union
'Hunt for Balance' paper by Ulster resident touts hunting as the most effective way to deal with an overabundant deer population
, 01/01/17,
Daily Freeman
Another Constitutional Convention Could Happen in New York
, 01/01/17,
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