The SUNY New Paltz Speech-Language and Hearing Center serves the community while providing students with on-site clinical training. The Center serves over 1,000 individuals each year, providing a full range of diagnostic and therapy services in both speech-language pathology and audiology. Services are coordinated by full-time supervisory staff. All supervisors hold ASHA certification and NYS licensure.
Facilities for Speech-Language Pathology include five speech-therapy suites and a diagnosis room with audio and video observation systems, as well as a student preparation room. The Center has a comprehensive collection of therapy materials and diagnostic tests and computer-based instrumentation systems for diagnosis and therapy.
The Audiology clinic includes two sound-proofed audiometric test suites, intake and hearing-aid dispensing areas, and a room for auditory-evoked potential testing. Equipment is state-of-the-art, including audiometers, immittance bridges, evoked potential units, an otoacoustic emissions analyzer, and a real-ear and measurement system. A PC-based system is used in the dispensing of programmable digital hearing aids.
The Center also has a pleasant waiting room with areas for adults and children, a classroom (with one-way observation into the diagnostics room) and a computer classroom with 14 Pentium PCs and a network printer.
Additional resources may be found in the Sojourner Truth Library, which holds an extensive collection of books, journals, and clinical test materials. The library also subscribes to relevant electronic databases.