
General Information


  - An employee’s official station is established to determine allowable travel expense reimbursement that is in the best interest of the State and SUNY New Paltz, and not the convenience of the employee.  One’s official station is the SUNY New Paltz main campus, unless otherwise determined by the appropriate Vice President. If using an alternate official station an employee must attach a written justification to the travel expense report.  Travel between the employees' home and official station is considered commuting and is not reimbursable. 

 - Employees are in travel status when they are on official state business and more than 35 miles from their official station and place of residence.  Within 35 miles, employees can be reimbursed for mileage, tolls, or parking costs but will not be allowed meals or lodging. If an employee is in travel status for less than three hours, meals and/or lodging are not allowed regardless of the distance traveled.  Lunch is not eligible for reimbursement.

  - Travel advances may only be issued to state employees.  Students, employment candidates, consultants or guests are not eligible for travel advances.  

 - All travel paperwork must be submitted in a timely manner for approvals and processing time.  Attention given by the traveler to providing the required documentation such as purpose of trip and/or conference agenda, receipts, and justifications for reimbursement will speed up the processing time frame and ultimately, your payment.

- Persons who travel before obtaining all approvals do so at their own risk and might jeopardize the reimbursement of their travel costs.

 - If travel is extended in length or expanded in scope for personal reasons or family travel the state will not cover the additional costs which result in those arrangements. 

- Knowingly misrepresenting the facts concerning travel for official business or signing travel forms which contain deliberate false statements is a violation of the NY Penal law and will be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary action. 

- If a trip is cancelled at the direction of the agency, the traveler will not be responsible for any costs incurred. If cancelled for the traveler’s convenience, he/she may be responsible for any costs. Notify the travel office, in writing, of any cancellations.

NYS Travel Manual 

It is the traveler’s responsibility to:

  • know State travel rules and regulations
  • know SUNY New Paltz’s specific travel policies and procedures
  • know your official station and its effect on your eligibility for travel reimbursement
  • obtain necessary approvals for travel, including method of travel
  • secure the most economical method of travel in the best interest of the State
  • obtain all necessary travel documents (e.g., expense report, tax exempt certificate)
  • maintain an accurate record of expenses including departure and return times, and mileage
  • obtain required receipts or documentation
  • claim reimbursement only for actual allowed expenses within reimbursement rates
  • account for any cash advance received, or charges made to the travel card
  • complete and submit travel expense report accurately and timely

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to:

  • know State travel rules and regulations
  • know SUNY New Paltz’s specific travel policies and procedures
  • know your staff's official stations and its effect on their travel reimbursement
  • authorize travel only when necessary
  • review travelers' itinerary in advance to ensure the most economical method of travel is used in the best interest of the State
  • verify that the expense reports are within allowable rates and all required documentation is attached
  • review and certify the travel expense report in a complete and timely manner
  • forward the expense report to agency finance office in a timely manner
  • verify adequate funds are available for travel 

It is the Travel Office's responsibility to ensure:

  • all authorized travel is in the best interest of the State
  • all charges are actual, reasonable and necessary
  • all expenses comply with travel rules and regulations
  • the most economical method of travel is used in the best interest of the State
  • compliance with IRS regulations
  • the official station of each employee is designated in the best interest of the State
  • employees obtain appropriate approvals prior to traveling, and exceptions or waivers are justified and necessary
  • adequate funds are available for travel
  • all travel cards are reconciled promptly and correctly