Travel Checklist - Before the Trip
Paper documents are no longer accepted.
- Clearly define purpose of trip to comply with the state travel regulations and attach an agenda or itinerary
- Used prior to your trip to get pre-approval of funds and authorized signatures
- Required when cost of trip is over $200. (if less than $200 just complete travel expense report upon return)
- Currently, an approved requsition needs to be submitted for all travel
- Used to receive requested pre-payments (registrations, etc.) prior to trip
How To Complete the form
Pertinent Information – all gray areas must be completed
- Requisition Number, Account Number(s) and Amounts for each account if multiple funding sources, and Department Name
- Name, Title, Residence, Departing, and Destination adresses, Departure and Return dates and times, and Purpose for trip
Registration – attach documentation of event including, place, date, purpose of travel
- recommended payment process is on department procurement card
- alternate attendee must be included if pre-payment is required
- registration needs to be done by the employee prior to submitting the travel requisition for pre-payment; we can only make payment, not mail the registration form with payment. Name, address, and SFS identification number is required of vendor for prepayments to be mailed efficiently
Transportation - compare several means of transportation to find the most economical method
- rental car
- airfare (over $1000, provide 3 printed quotes with req.)
- train - Metro North | Amtrak
- personal auto | mileage rates | trip calculator
- bus
Lodging –Always request per diem rates (even at a conderence hotel) to find the most economical cost
- lodge within per diem rates or complete a justification form and get pre-approval for amounts over the perdiem (required!)
- choose receipted or un-receipted method before traveling
- bring a Tax Exemption Certificate form to hotel for lodging in New York State
- Tax Exempt forms for other states and NYC:
Meals - per diem rates are based on where hotel is located when in overnight status
- Day trip traveler qualifies for breakfast ($5) and/or dinner ($12) (taxable) if:
- Travel exceeds 35 miles from office station and residence, and
- Traveler leaves 1 hour before shift and/or returns 2 hours after shift
- no allowance is given for lunch
Incidental Expenses – includes parking, taxi, tolls, bridges, etc.
- All receipts are required
- must list all costs incurred and itemize each expense
Pre-payments – used for cash advance, airfare reimbursement, registrations
- complete requested form 30 days or more prior to date of trip
- advances are only given to state employees not students, candidates, or consultants and guests
Approvals - traveler and supervisor must sign, and any authorized signature for account approval
- forward requisition to the Travel Office for out of state/country approval. We will route to appropriate person for approval prior to travel
Business/Personal trip - Expenses need to be allocated, since only business expenses will be reimbursed.
- Provide flight quotes for business only dates and for the business/personal flight dates purchased with the Travel Requisition.
- You will be reimbursed for the least expensive flight.
- Flight and quote need to be from the same day and similar in airport, time, type, etc.
- Provide a Detail Sheet to explain the trip
- Allocate expenses such as hotel, parking, and meals.
Time frame
Travel requisitions should be submitted to the Travel Office email:, 30 days prior to taking a trip for approval and processing time of any required advance payments. Only day trips under $200 or emergency/short notice trips can be submitted after the trip is taken.
Persons who travel before obtaining all approvals do so at their own risk and may not be reimbursed for their travel costs.